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Usually it is the mindset of owners or operators rather than the actual design, as sustainable construction or interiors is not all that complicated. Often when people hear the word sustainable used in hotel design, they think $$$ rather than considering the many advantages of such a hotel. The designs we present are sustainable by design, as it is the way we work - and we don’t slap the word sustainable or green onto it at that point. Clients accept our proposal and budgets, and we gradually explain all the hidden sustainable aspects to the project, where beautiful design and green building work hand in hand - and they are just thrilled. In terms of the broader ideas such as hotels with a purpose, perhaps at first they are resistant but we chip away until they understand the importance of what we are doing. For example with my WorldWild project in China, we started off with a brief for a “zoo” which has now turned into a 700 hectare wildlife refuge north of Guangzhou to educate millions of Chinese on the value of Mother Nature. 85% of the land will be dedicated to naturalized wildlife environments and rescued animals, and just 15% to the 7 hotels and 2500 rooms. Journalists have called it a human zoo, which I find quite funny!
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